Note from the Editor, Issue 30
Welcome to the 30th issue of Bull & Cross! This will be the last issue for some time, but I’m happy to wrap up with three great stories. First up, we ...
Welcome to the 30th issue of Bull & Cross! This will be the last issue for some time, but I’m happy to wrap up with three great stories. First up, we ...
Well, it’s August, and I’m as far away from home as I can be without leaving the peninsula. The temperature in the northwestern corner of Spain is a...
July in my part of Spain is hot and humid. At night, we have several fans blowing sticky air around the house as we lay on top of the sheets and mentally calcul...
Welcome to the 27th issue of Bull & Cross! This one is arriving a bit behind schedule, but the quality of the stories makes up for the delay. First up, Rich...
Bull & Cross is now well into its third year of stories and this month, we have three gems. In each, the characters stand out against the backdrop of excell...
Welcome to the 25th issue of Bull & Cross. I’m very pleased to introduce the three weird stories in this month’s issue, and I expect you’l...
Welcome to the 24th issue of Bull & Cross! I am very happy to start this issue off with “Possums” by Seth Cable. I’m not going to say much...
Well, February’s publication date arrived more quickly than I had anticipated, but all the better for you as the stories are fantastic! First up, we have ...
Happy New Year! I’m finally back in Spain, and while I’m still running well behind on my schedule as I try to get back into my daily rhythm, I’...
Merry Christmas! I’m still traveling the States with my family, and this month, I’m enjoying some time with my parents and siblings. I’m still...
Well, the holidays are already here! So, again, while I’m nearing the end of our trip in the US, I have even less time than last month, so I must keep thi...
I’m about halfway through a four-month trip around the US, so I have a bit less time than normal for my editorial duties, and this will be a shorter note ...
It is my privilege to introduce three wildly different but excellent new stories in this September issue. I’ll start with “Rabies in August.” ...
Welcome to a new issue of Bull & Cross, with three intriguing works of fiction. First up, we have the very smart “A Lesson on Pliny” from Claire...
It is my pleasure to introduce this month’s stories. Each of these stories caught me off-guard and demanded to be included. The first, Joe Seale’s d...
For the 15th issue of Bull & Cross, I’m very pleased to present three wildly different stories from three fantastic authors. First up, we have David H...
Well, friendly readers, here’s our fourteenth issue, with three more great stories. First up, we have “1961,” by Christine Taylor. This story ...
Well, what a year. Counting the stories in this twelfth issue, Bull & Cross has had the distinct honor of publishing 39 sharp, entertaining, touching, scary...
I’m very pleased to introduce three very good stories for your reading pleasure. Barring the end of all things, I think we’ll colonize Mars. And whe...
It’s my privilege to introduce three new pieces this month. The first is “Heartbeat,” by Michael Verderber. It was my privilege to publish ano...
It’s the week before Christmas, so I’ll keep this brief. I am very happy to give you three wildly different stories by three fantastic authors. Firs...
A couple of core truths: (1) The world is broken. I don’t think that’ll come as a shock to most of you. But what repeatedly comes as a shock to me i...
I can’t read that much Franzen or Updike, but I can’t get enough of Chabon. I’d argue that’s because Chabon doesn’t hate me, and I...
This is Bull & Cross’ sixth issue, and I’m very happy to say that the stories just keep getting better. J. Bradley kicks us off with an excellen...
I quit a book last week. I don’t normally do this, but I couldn’t bring myself to slog through one more miserable page of Chekhov’s short fict...
As a child, July often meant a road trip with the family. We’d pile into the station wagon—a solid blue, Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser which I later totaled ...
Well, will you look at this. I’m proud to present the third issue of Bull & Cross, and equally proud to deliver three fun stories for June. I didnR...
I’m very happy to introduce three more great stories by three more great authors. I jumped on Amber D. Tran’s “Ilh-eobeolin” as soon as ...
It’s a privilege to introduce three great pieces for our inaugural issue! I started Bull & Cross looking for stories, and these authors delivered. I l...