Note from the Editor, Issue 23

Well, February’s publication date arrived more quickly than I had anticipated, but all the better for you as the stories are fantastic!

First up, we have “We Are All Strangers,” by Suzanne Martinez. I’m very happy to have one of her stories. As in other work I’ve read by this author, the powerhouse is the narrative voice. It’s fantastic. Settle in for an amusing, thoughtful, and satisfying tale.

Next, Arlene Antoinette tells a story I’ve not heard before in “Don’t Talk To Trees or, The Real Reason For The Housing Shortage in Brooklyn, New York.” There’s some sharp satire on display, made all the sharper on account of its brevity. Read this, then go help someone in need.

And finally, I’m very happy to welcome David Henson back to B&C with “The Man Who Left His Eyes Open.” His previous stories are available here and here. As with those pieces, you’ll find that this month’s entry demonstrates a gift for pacing, language, and plot.

So, that’s what I’ve put together forĀ  you this month. I doubt you’ll complain. Grab a hot cup of tea, find a corner, and enjoy this month’s Bull & Cross!

Happy Reading,
Daniel R. Julian
