Welcome to a new issue of Bull & Cross, with three intriguing works of fiction.
First up, we have the very smart “A Lesson on Pliny” from Claire Younger Martin. I love a lot about this story, and I love it more with each re-reading. In particular, the rhythm and language of the piece work perfectly, and the final dialogue adds just the right touch.
The second story this month comes from B&C favorite, Steve Carr! You can find the other stories that we’ve had the privilege of publishing here, here, and here. “Snake Island” is another fine example of his skills as a storyteller, and helps explain how he’s had 200 stories published in just a couple of short years.
And finally, Robert Laughlin’s “Men at Work: Vaughan, a high school economics teacher” has a title nearly as long as the story. It’s a short but interesting piece, with a realistic depiction of a moment in a high school teacher’s day, and a conclusion that leaves the reader unsure whether the narrator remains world-weary-but-wise or hopelessly cynical.
So, there you have it! Grab some iced tea, find a nice park bench, and enjoy this month’s Bull & Cross!
Happy Reading,
Daniel R. Julian