Note from the Editor, Issue 15

For the 15th issue of Bull & Cross, I’m very pleased to present three wildly different stories from three fantastic authors.

First up, we have David Henson’s “The Stars, the Moon, a Trombone, and You.” I’ve read and enjoyed some of his other work, and this is a good representation of his skills as a storyteller. It’s tender, it’s entertaining, and the mix of humor and misery is just about perfect. After reading it, I spent about twenty minutes watching “Slowly I Turn” videos on YouTube. I recommend the Lucille Ball version.

LJ Kessels then takes us back to “1991,” with an intimate piece of flash fiction. The story is brief, but powerful, and I knew I wanted it by the time I reached the line, “And one of them would always fall down.” I’ve read and re-read the piece several times since accepting it, and it’s rewarded the re-reading.

And our last piece, Dick Bentley’s “Horsie,” is something you’ll have to experience for yourself. This is another one of those pieces I read to my family at the dinner table. My mother and mother-in-law were visiting, and their laughter convinced me I had made the right decision.

So, grab a lemonade and steal the comfortable spot on the couch. You’re going to enjoy this issue.

Happy Reading,
Daniel R. Julian
